Certified Payment Security Practitioner (CPSP)


ISACA West Florida has partnered with Network Intelligence - a 20-year old global cybersecurity firm – in offering a training on the concept of payment security is Certified Payment Security Practitioner (CPSP) Training. The CPSP training is the flagship PCI DSS implementation workshop of Network Intelligence. The 16 hours of online training will be conducted over …

Certified Payment Security Practitioner (CPSP)


ISACA West Florida has partnered with Network Intelligence - a 20-year old global cybersecurity firm – in offering a training on the concept of payment security is Certified Payment Security Practitioner (CPSP) Training. The CPSP training is the flagship PCI DSS implementation workshop of Network Intelligence. The 16 hours of online training will be conducted over …

Certified Payment Security Practitioner (CPSP)


ISACA West Florida has partnered with Network Intelligence - a 20-year old global cybersecurity firm – in offering a training on the concept of payment security is Certified Payment Security Practitioner (CPSP) Training. The CPSP training is the flagship PCI DSS implementation workshop of Network Intelligence. The 16 hours of online training will be conducted over …

Certified Payment Security Practitioner (CPSP)


ISACA West Florida has partnered with Network Intelligence - a 20-year old global cybersecurity firm – in offering a training on the concept of payment security is Certified Payment Security Practitioner (CPSP) Training. The CPSP training is the flagship PCI DSS implementation workshop of Network Intelligence. The 16 hours of online training will be conducted over …

Certified Professional Forensics Analyst (CPFA)


ISACA West Florida has partnered with Network Intelligence - a 20-year old global cybersecurity firm – in offering a training on the concept of payment security is Certified Professional Forensics Analyst (CPFA) training scheduled on July 19 - 21, 2021. The Certified Professional Forensics Analyst ( training is focused on comprehensive coverage of all aspects of digital forensics …


Certified Professional Forensics Analyst (CPFA)


ISACA West Florida has partnered with Network Intelligence - a 20-year old global cybersecurity firm – in offering a training on the concept of payment security is Certified Professional Forensics Analyst (CPFA) training scheduled on July 19 - 21, 2021. The Certified Professional Forensics Analyst ( training is focused on comprehensive coverage of all aspects of digital forensics …


Certified Professional Forensics Analyst (CPFA)


ISACA West Florida has partnered with Network Intelligence - a 20-year old global cybersecurity firm – in offering a training on the concept of payment security is Certified Professional Forensics Analyst (CPFA) training scheduled on July 19 - 21, 2021. The Certified Professional Forensics Analyst ( training is focused on comprehensive coverage of all aspects of digital forensics …


Machine Learning Ethics


The Virtual Review sessions will use Zoom as the delivery method. Please use the same email address when you registered for this event in CVENT, when you register with Zoom the day of the event. Once registered in CVENT, you will be provided a link to register to the Zoom session. Zoom keeps track of …


FutureCon VIRTUAL Eastern | CyberSecurity Conference

FutureCon produces cutting edge events aimed for Senior Level Professionals working in the security community; striving to bring together the best minds in the industry for a unique cybersecurity event experience. These one-day events feature thought-provoking presentations by Industry Security Leaders, esteemed Keynote Speakers, and a Panel Session discussion with experienced professionals and a talented …
